HOLY SMOKES!! I could not think of a more inspiring story to share today!!  

Thank you Melissa for allowing Advancing Health Naturally to share your story.

“Good morning everyone!!! Today marks one year since I had a bilateral mastectomy. I enjoy looking back to see how far I have come! I wanted to share and few pictures with you along with my updated Nrf2 activator aka Little Yellow Pill story! Thank you all for your prayers, love, and support through my healing journey! Love you all ❤️

Most of you know that I am a recent breast cancer survivor, only diagnosed a year ago. I have undergone a double mastectomy, 17 rounds of chemo, 33 sessions of radiation, and a second recent surgery (on 28 April 2017). All these treatments have not been fun to go through but I am blessed to have the opportunity to fight the battle and still be here with my family! However, treatment did take a toll on my body! I have been activating my body for five months now with the Nrf2 and my results have been amazing!

After 2 months of activating my body, my workouts turned fantastic! Since my most recent surgery I haven’t been taking the best care of myself and I haven’t had great eating habits, so I can only attribute my fitness success to the this product! Prior to this surgery, I could barely jog a minute without feeling like I was going to drop dead, today I went for several miles!!! AND no more joint pain!!!  (Joint pain was a side effect of chemo) It brings me so much hope for the future and what my body will be able to do again!

And I had enough energy to fly across the county, by myself with all three kids, a little under a month from my last surgery!!! Sucess!!!

I’ve seen the toll treatment takes on a body, and the amount of time it takes to recover. This is a true blessing that I had to share!!

NOW five months into activating my body, I continue to gain more and more hope for the furture as my body performs beyond what I once thought impossible. Last week, I completed a 72 mile backpacking hike through the Sirrea Mountains in 7 days with my Dad and sister, Katie! This time last year, I could not walk to the restroom by myself! All things are possible with God and I am so thankful that he brought the Little Yellow Pill in my life!!!”

Melissa 17 September 2017

Melissa 17 Sept’ 2017

We do claim to reduce oxidative stress by an average of 40% in 30 days. When our oxidative stress is reduced, our bodies are free to do amazing things!

For more information email: [email protected]   OR  Join our private Facebook Group that shares many stories like Melissa’s

*** Disclaimer: We make NO claims to: Treat, cure, prevent or mitigate ANY disease or illness***


  1. Stop taking high-dose antioxidant supplements (e.g., vitamin A, vitamin C, and vitamin E).
  2. Get active.
  3. Practice intermittent fasting (once per month consume only water for 24 hours).
  4. Eat the right foods (e.g., blueberries, tea, coffee, apples, onions, broccoli, cabbage, and many more).
  5. Stop Your Body from Being Hijacked…Boost Nrf2 with properly balanced PHYTONUTRIENTS 
    1. (i.e., nutrients found in plants that when combined, activate Nrf2 to a greater extent than when nutrients are consumed individually).

Protandim Nrf2 Synergizer – one of our primary tools to avoid or stop your body from being Hijacked!!!


Protect yourself from BioHackers!!!

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