Heather Joy Basset is a transformational speaker, weaver of stories, author and mentor who helps people unravel their own story and live in a life which rewrites what is truly possible for them in their lifetime.

She is a world champion gold medal athlete (lacrosse) who personally navigated the hard work, persistence, resilience and insatiable trust of the spirit it takes to be the world’s best, and that it isn’t possible without both support and being supported. Her career then spanned over 35 years in business in which she has served over 15,000 people in living a better quality of life and walking with confidence.

Heather now works with entrepreneurs and professionals who want to make a heart-based difference in the world. She supports them to see where they are not trusting and speaking their unique truth and bringing it forth to be trailblazers in their own life, workplace and community doing work that inspires them and nourishes the soul.

A Comsically ‘Juicy’ Life

“You don’t have to follow in your mother’s footsteps…”

Heather is a natural born story-teller, and through this journey she invites us to sit with her around the fire while the wise speak. She invites us to speak from a space of truth and authenticity no matter what. She embodies a voice that many in this world are searching to awaken. The voice that knows the greatness within each of us yet feels the suffering of the human condition far too much which can entrap and suppress us. Her journey inspires hope, that no matter what life holds, no matter what cards lay before us, no matter what cement has been laid down, the sledge hammer of the personal fire, the spirit, can break open through the cobwebs to return home to self. 
Dr Mario AlamFounder World Doctor www.WorldDoctor.com 

“Heather is a TRUE inspiration to watch! As a woman, she reminds us to open up, to discover who we truly are, and to find deep joy in our lives. I have been touched many times by her willingness to share, and I know she will touch your life too!”
Emily Gowor Inspirational Author & Speaker

“Heather Joy Bassett speaks from the heart and shakes the earth like few others. This book is the raw, fierce truth.”
Runn Wild – Founder and lead trainer of Big Impact Training and Development

Story telling can deeply connect us to our own life’s experience and can be a gentle reminder, a slap in the face or, it can feel like being hit with a ton of bricks! Are you game, are you ready? Grab a glass or a cuppa, sit back, relax, it’s time for you now.

There’s something missing, you just know it! The questions rarely spoken aloud. Can I? Dare I? Is it possible? What if? What is it? There must be more to life? Surely? Am I just being ungrateful?

You’re searching, striving, the noise is deafening and yet silence prevails. There just has to be a better way, doesn’t there?

But I should be happy. I mean I am happy, aren’t I? I can speak my truth? I can’t be the only thinking, feeling this can I?

Make no mistake, you are never, the only one! Welcome to the tribe!

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Interview with Heather Joy Bassett