Founder, Brad McDonald
After graduating in Health Sciences at the University of South Australia, Brad’s journey began with his family’s struggles with autoimmune mystery illnesses. Experiencing first hand the lack of effectiveness of steroid creams for psoriasis and the connection between the gut, brain and skin, Brad began experimenting with alternative remedies that would change his life. Through this he was able to gain a greater understanding of the undeniable synchronicity that we share with nature and what that means for us as we step into a brave new world.
Brad, established Against the Grain Health products which are 100% natural, high quality, ethically sourced, raw ingredients provided by suppliers whom share our philosophy.
Its their mission to steer the dialogue away from symptom driven, band-aid approaches to health and educate individuals about alternative forms of healing which walk the line between positive scientific understanding and the test of time.

Against the Grain Health’s alchemy is not possible without the wondrous creations of our natural environment. For example, the diligent and selfless Bee whom facilitates life on every level. We seek only to holistically facilitate natures best, and combine it in such a way that everyday skin products are infused with plant extracts to support the mind, brain, body and soul.
Join them in their mission & go against the grain, back to nature.
Brad encourages those who agitate the status quo and in their individual missions come from a place of integrity, bringing us back to a place of harmony with Mother Nature.
No More Funny Business Zinc Balm

Against The Grain Health flips the script when it comes to skincare. They have created everyday skin products using potent plant based medicine. Whether it be healing balm, sun protection, deodorant or a scrub, their creations are made entirely of the natural world and offer a holistic, transcendent approach to skin care. Founder, Brad McDonald and his wife Danni are the believers in the mantra ‘to be nurtured by nature is a reciprocal relationship’ which is why they are active in giving back to the earth and supporting conservation efforts around Australia.

“Please make sure to let Brad know you found Against The Grain through Advancing Health Naturally”
At Advancing Health Naturally we’re inspiring people to take control of their health and mindset with natural solutions and remedies, just like the Against The Grain Health mission above.
We pride ourselves in helping you stay on top of the aging process while delivering the mental clarity and overall well-being you need every day to get the absolute most out of life.
If you would like to be added to our private FACEBOOK Group that shares many more articles and stories about BioHacking, Nutrigenomics and Nrf2 & Nrf1 Activation CLICK here.
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*** Disclaimer: We make NO claims to: Treat, cure, prevent or mitigate ANY disease ***
- Stop taking high-dose antioxidant supplements (e.g., vitamin A, vitamin C, and vitamin E).
- Get active.
- Practice intermittent fasting (once per month consume only water for 24 hours).
- Eat the right foods (e.g., blueberries, tea, coffee, apples, onions, broccoli, cabbage, and many more).
- Stop Your Body from Being Hijacked…Boost Nrf2 with properly balanced PHYTONUTRIENTS
- (i.e., nutrients found in plants that when combined, activate Nrf2 to a greater extent than when nutrients are consumed individually).
Protandim Nrf2 Synergizer – one of our primary tools to avoid or stop your body from being Hijacked!!!
Protect yourself from BioHackers!!!