Providing you the tools and natural strategies to solve problems that chemicals, poor nutrition, and stress have added to our lives.
What would it mean to you to free yourself from what holds you back physically and emotionally and live up to your full potential and beyond?
Regain Mental Clarity | Achieve Emotional Stability | End Self Sabotage | Reclaim Youthful Energy
Rebecca’s Story
Rebecca had a typical western type upbringing. Meat and three veg for dinner, packaged foods in lunch boxes, took antibiotics when she got sick, grew up in the era when eating fat was seen to be the devil. Sound familiar?
Her early adult years were lived fast paced, fast food, no exercise, smoking, drinking, partying, and generally paying no attention to my health whatsoever.
Fast forward to age 29 she fell pregnant, had a miscarriage, followed by a second miscarriage, then again by a third miscarriage. Not being able to achieve my maternal desire to have children sent her into a downward spiral of depression and addiction. She went through a period of time where she spent most time on the couch watching TV and generally only left the house for work and grocery shopping, and always had an excuse ready so she didn’t have to show up for anything more.
She eventually sought advice from her GP and had all the available tests done to which no “diagnosis” could be found. She was wished the best of luck, offered a script for anti-depressants and sent on her way.
Does this sound familiar to you too?
In a sad way emotionally and physically, Rebecca said, “I am grateful for listening to my intuition that anti-depressants were not the answer, I threw the script in the bin, and researched more natural ways to address the issues.”
Health is determined by your daily choices and habits…… What you do not address will address you.
The good news?
It’s never too late to make positive change. The body is very forgiving and knows instinctively how to heal itself, when given the right nurture.
The reward?
Feelings of vitality, confidence, wellness and happiness.
AND so Rebecca’s journey to recovery began…
Rebecca invested 12 months with a Naturopath where they uncovered hormonal imbalance, adrenal fatigue, food intolerance, gut damage and inflammation to name a few. Put simply, her body was too imbalanced to carry a pregnancy.
After significant lifestyle changes, she welcomed a beautiful baby boy into the world, and two years after that identical twin girls arrived which completed her perfect little family. All in all, life was amazing but as time went on, more symptoms began to emerge; mood swings, acne, bloating, bladder discomfort, pain, insomnia. At first, she thought it was just because I was a busy sleep deprived mum, though her own intuition again led her to believe there must be deeper reasons that needed attention.

After extensive research, she began working with an integrative doctor and a session of kinesiology confirmed my suspicions – Rebecca was host to a large parasitic infection. The parasite itself is generally only found in a few places around the world, one of those places being Morocco, where I had traveled at the age of 25.
The parasite is what triggered a lot of her symptoms and damage to her body. It is a long journey to recover and heal, but Rebecca said, “It’s certainly been a fascinating, frustrating, eye-opening and exciting all rolled into one amazing experience we know as life.” The introduction of various detox protocols had been a missing piece of the puzzle toward regaining my physical and mental health.
Looking back at her life, she identified that she had been living in a state of chronic stress – worrying about things, not eating properly, not sleeping well, not exercising, having a negative mindset about most things. She didn’t address her symptoms…… they addressed her. Gosh how may relate to this? I know I certainly do.
Rebecca’s path toward vitality continues, as it does for most, but instead of once living life at a 3 out of 10, she’s happy to say that most days she’d rate her life an 8 out of 10.
This is part of her story. We all have a story in life and as it plays out there is often times of pain and suffering as part of the journey. Nutrition and Body Detoxification, and activation can greatly help address the imbalance of suffering. What is your story?
Email [email protected] to request your personal health audit questionnaire or purchase the Parasite Cleanse Program today!
The 4 Week Parasite Cleanse Program Kit Includes:

Click here to order
- Tri Plex – Parsite Killing Herbs
- Bentonite Clay to Draw out Toxins
- Program Instruction Book – Emailed upon Purchase
- Email Support and regular contact throughout the cleanse
- FAQs About Parasites and Parasitic Infections
- FAQs About The Parasite Cleanse Program
- Tips to Enhance Your Cleanse & Ease Die Off Symptoms
- Nutrition & Supplement Tips to Maximise Results
- Access to Resources that Enhance & Support the Body During the Cleanse
- Food Chart that Lists Foods to Eat and Foods to Avoid
- Tips to Stay on Track Through the Cleanse
- Daily Instructions for the Cleanse
- Weekly Meal Plans
- Recipes for all Meals (Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, Snacks, Dips, Dessert)
- Recommendations to Follow at Completion of The Cleanse
The Program Instruction Book Include;
Detox naturally with nutritional balancing and powerful herbs to rid the body of parasites, reboot metabolism and start feeling better!
Eliminating parasitic infection is an integral step towards preventing disease, healing and achieving long term wellness.
How the 4 Week Parasite Program is Designed to rid Parasites
- Starve them using the correct foods
- Kill them with anti-parasitic herbs
- Flush them from the body
- Support the body to heal
- Create an alkaline environment
- Rebuild and repair the immune system
- Replace poor choices with healthy habits
- Live well to prevent future infection
Outcome of the 4 week Parasite Cleanse Program
- Rid the body of parasites
- Improve digestion
- Metabolism reboot
- More energy
- Restore balance
- Relief from aches and pains
- Improve sleep
- Weight loss or maintain ideal weight
- Eliminate cravings of the wrong kind
- Increase mental focus and clarity
- Stronger immune system
- Clearer skin and brighter eyes
The Parasite Cleanse Program is recommended as a yearly protocol for maintenance. For a severe or heavy parasitic load, the cleanse may be required for a longer period of time.
The information presented throughout this program has been researched from reputable sources and is the personal opinion of the author in her capacity as an integrative nutritionist and is not intended to representative of the medical profession as a whole.
The Parasite Cleanse Program is not intended to substitute or replace medical advice or be a specific treatment plan for any medical condition. Be sure to consult your medical health provider before adding anything new to your treatment program, including dietary changes. For more information on parasite cleansing and other detoxification methods to improve your health contact [email protected]