Base Ingredients
3/4 cup Changing Habits Shredded Coconut
Pinch of Changing Habits Seaweed Salt
2 Tbsp Changing Habits Coconut Oil
1 Tbsp organic raw honey
1 1/3 cups macadamia nuts

Chocolate Layer Ingredients
1 cup Changing Habits Cacao Melts
3 Tbsp Changing Habits Coconut Oil
1/2 tsp vanilla essence*
Pinch Changing Habits Seaweed Salt
2 Tbsp organic raw honey to taste

Mint Filling Ingredients
3 small ripe avocados
1/2 tsp Changing Habits Supreme Green Blend
3 Tbsp organic raw honey
2 Tbsp Changing Habits Coconut Oil, melted
Peppermint essential oil to taste
Pinch of Changing Habits Seaweed Salt


1) Add all base ingredients to a food processor and pulse until well combined.
2) Press the base mixture evenly into a greased muffin tray (silicon tray works best) and freeze until set.
3) Add all mint filling ingredients to a food processor and pulse until well combined.
4) Spoon this mixture evenly on top of the base mix and refrigerate or freeze until set.
5) Melt cacao and coconut oil together over low heat in a small saucepan. Remove from the heat and stir in the vanilla, salt and honey until combined.
6) Pour this mixture over the set mint layer and return to the fridge.
7) Once set, remove from the tray and serve.

*Refer to Condiments section for recipe

(Gluten, Dairy, Egg & Grain Free)