Graci’s ASD story

~ Kari Christie 

Ok, so this is taking me out of my comfort zone, but it’s our daughter’s story and I keep having a big feeling to share it here–so here goes… anyone with ASD or an ASD child or family member, please take time to read 💜

I wanted to share how Nrf2 activation has given my daughter, who is ASD, a better quality of life. Graci was diagnosed with high-functioning autism at 22 months of age. We changed her diet, added in some supplements, started therapies with her and even moved countries for a year to get her into early intervention sooner than what we could over here in Australia. She progressed, but oh life was so challenging. Life felt run around her as she was so regimented with her schedule, extremely high anxiety, she melted down MANY times a day– up to 2 hours at a time, wasn’t adaptable, couldn’t cope well outside the home or with visitors, and had many sensory issues.

I could go on and on about the challenges we had, but basically we couldn’t live a “typical” life because she didn’t cope and then neither did mum or dad lol–and going on holidays or out to eat or to the park or even simply the grocery store felt like a mountain to climb. If we did take on those things and go, they always came with massive repercussions, which could effect her for even weeks. Daily life was so challenging, and anyone who has a child on the spectrum will relate and understand so much.

After being introduced to Nrf2 activation through a family health crisis, I eventually started her on a small dose of the natural Golden Activator In about 4 months time she had to temporarily stop taking it while she had the flu and the difference in her was SO noticeable! Graci will never go off of this tablet. It works with the body’s wisdom and by decreasing her oxidative stress and increasing her glutathione through Nrf2 activation, simply put–her life has changed.

Her anxiety decreased tremendously which had a ripple effect into all other areas of her life. She became more social, started playing with her sisters more and engaging socially, she became so much more adaptable, attentive and calm. Her meltdowns decreased tremendously and her grades in school increased and have been consistently better since. We don’t have to do any therapy with her anymore and she is now almost 10 years old, in mainstream school and she doesn’t even tap into the special ed unit. We still have our challenges but on a whole, Nrf2 activation has not only changed her life, but it changed our whole family’s life and the quality. I’m so grateful for this coming into our life and she will NEVER go off of this natural activator!

Please reach out if you know anyone with ASD who would like to learn about Nrf2 activation. It’s changed Graci’s quality of life and could be what they are needing to help their quality of life as well. Nrf2 activation is amazing and truly a gift. 💜 

Everyone who has experienced the benefits of Nrf2 activation and what that means in the body will want to tell the world, WHY, because reducing inflammation in the body and activating your bodies own antioxidant production changes the way your body is able to function. And what that means for each person is a unique journey and individual story.

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For more information email: [email protected]

*** Disclaimer: We make NO claims to: Treat, cure, prevent or mitigate ANY disease ***